Special Credit to

Tian Chen, Julian Panetta, Max Schnaubelt, and Mark Pauly

for the amazing paper, experiment, and most important of all, the amazing rhino & grasshopper models!!


Tian Chen, Julian Panetta, Max Schnaubelt, and Mark Pauly. 2021. Bistable auxetic surface structures. ACM Trans. Graph. 40, 4, Article 39 (August 2021), 9 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3450626.3459940

Experiment with Chen, et al. ‘s model

🧮 Analysis of the Grasshopper model / variables

🍞 Making the mold

🏭 Making the auxetic fabric

Long belt shape 🥋

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Experiment with making the pattern by myself

April 15


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Today I experimented with Triangle in grasshopper. NGL it was much harder than I expected.

After in-putting the numbers for the triangle, I have to rotate the sides. I am still a bit confused about how to make the pattern in that paper, but I hope I am getting there

i think i can experiment with offsetting the 3 start / end points and connect them with the intersecting points?

(I’m sorry, my experiment stopped here LOL) I am not good at math!! If I have time, I’d love to try again :D