
🔍 Working with Roots


Zena Holloway is an artist working with roots. She made a lot of wearable, hanging pieces and jewelries with roots. Here to to read more about her works and her concepts.

One thing we feel really confused is how she preserved the roots. When working with the roots myself, I found it so hard to even cut down the roots from the growing plate. (here to my documentation on working with roots)

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diana scherer is another artist working with roots. I didn’t do much research on her until this documentation. From her website, it seems that she is growing a massive amount of seeds!

🍄 Fungus


⚪️ Mycelium Fabric

mycelium, the mass of branched, tubular filaments (hyphae) of fungi. The mycelium makes up the thallus, or undifferentiated body, of a typical fungus. (Britannica)

🧪 Bio-material Workshop (Apr. 22)